Friday, August 1, 2008

To sir, with gratitude

Your selfless act of flagging down my wayward bus saved me 15 minutes of wait time. A wait time that I can surely do without... You see, I live in the town of landfill. To get anywhere requires multiple transit connections.

While I do own a car, my bf uses it on weekdays. Although I do not mind making the connections on a daily basis, there are times in which missed connections translate to missed appointments.

Not to mention that 15 minutes of aimlessly staring at the bart station pavement was something I can do without that day. You see, I was not in the best state of mind on that fateful day, much thanks to the lack of sleep, not to mention a mental state rivaling ms. susie downer.

So to you sir, who I do not know, I offer you my sincere "thanks". I hope that someone else is able to perform the random act of kindness for you as you did for me.

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