Friday, August 1, 2008

My pilgrimage

to what, you might ask? To Berkeley, for some down home Indian food.

Why do I call it pilgrimage? Well, its probably the longest walking trip I have taken in awhile (2 hours round trip), so me thinks that qualify as a pilgrimage.

Why am I so crazy? You see, there is no easy way to get there by transit. So I figured I will hoof it and see how far do I get. The best part is, I am done with my cardio exercise for the day.

Its kind of cool if you think about it. The fact that I am able to traverse between cities on foot within an hour. Not to mention that I got to visit an area that I never really got to explore - University avenue in Berkeley. All the Indian stores make me so excited... food, clothes, what more can you ask for?

So I scored some Indian food of course, ranging from samosas, lamb shank, carrot cake, to even some frozen food (chix tikka masala). Quite proud of myself.

Not to mention that I supposedly burned 425 calories for this trip. Not bad. Although the samosa I ate probably is worth 1/2 of those calories. O well. I did have a wonderful time rocking to my music during the walk. Nothing like singing uninhibited at the top of your voice, I tell you. :)

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