Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mon ami mj

and i met through lei. before i met her in person, i met her in print. i remember thinking, wow, she is a photogenic chick, and she looks nothing like Jaime (besides the big eyes, of course).

Then, i met her in person two years ago when lei and i did our first girl trip. We had dinner with her hubby, and then, the 3 chicas went clubbing. On the dance floor, i was instantly outshined by not one, but two dancing pros! one of them even wanted to fake make out, you can figure which one suggested that.

Then, I saw Em two more times after that, both involving weddings. For some reason, we never really had a chance to talk in person. I know we imed, but it ain't the same. What I always remember was when she asked me in a very cute, vulnerable way if we would come visit her in Chicago. I didn't say it at that time, but frankly, I was floored by her honesty.

Three months later, we met up in Vegas. While I won't repeat what transpired during that fateful event (natural outbursts, VIP table, etc.,) I felt like I was adopted into the La Pena family.

I am happy to announce that we have made much progress since then. Em and I finally realized that we can "talk" on the phone, for we have phones in CA. And I shamefully invited myself over to her pad in May (Yeah!) What made this extra special is that she already lined up all these cool things for us to do (high tea, dinner, etc), which I am very thankful and excited about. Not to mention that I have something to look forward to...

Can't hardly wait... :0)

1 comment:

Lei Han said...

I am so jealous you will get to visit Em in chicago. wish I can go... but baby comes first. hope she will visit us sometime soon.