Sunday, April 27, 2008


I took BART to go to the city today. While on the train, I noticed a blind man trying to find a place to sit. He was patiently using his cane to feel his way around. I got up, and guided him to his seat.

After I returned to my seat, I had to stop myself from crying. At that moment, I got a sense of what his life must have been like... not being able to see, feeling life by his sense of touch, smell and sound. Then, I got how lucky I am, for I am blessed with all senses. Yeah, I have some health issues, but, that too, shall pass with time.

Its moments like this that made you realize how precious life is, and how thankful you are. I am especially thankful to these lovelies... My passionate bf who felt powerless in the face of yet another denial of our insurance claim, my cornflake friend who wrote me back and apologized, and for ms. ajantha, for sticking her neck out and speaking her mind about my health, and letting me be in your life.

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