Tuesday, April 15, 2008

As i am

Two and a half years ago, I hardly ever thought that I was beautiful. Years of having acne caused a huge dent in my self-esteem. Believe it or not, I was once called a pizza face by one of my middle school classmates. Confident that I was not, and very vulnerable that I was. I was easily affected by people's comments, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Then, I took a course on personal development. It opened up my eyes about how I believe that I am simply a product of people's words. Fortunately, that isn't the truth. For I am who I am, and your interpretation of me is based on our interactions, or reinforcement of my actions. In other words, I control "me".

For once, I was enough. I don't need your approvals to make me feel better. I don't need you to like me to feel good about myself. I am okay as I am.

Last summer, we did a Myers-Briggs test at work. I was surprised to find out that I am an extrovert, for that I always thought of myself as "shy". When I relayed this comment to my colleague, he did a big eye roll, followed by "dude. you know people that you don't even work with. how can you possibly be an introvert?"

So, who am I? I am passionate about life, hard core about my pursuit of happiness, and ambitious in having a good time with my loveys. My ideas of a good time ranges from having high tea with my gals, spending Sundays in bed reading a chick lit with my bf or whipping up a masterpiece in the kitchen.

Finally, I no longer am waiting to get somewhere. For I am fine where I am, as I am. O, and I am beautiful.