Monday, January 17, 2011


This is what my friend 'told' me today. 

I had fortune last week from take out chinese and it said I would have found a really good friend in my near future. I think that is you:)'

This is a drastic departure from my youth, when I wanted playmates so badly that I was willing to win their affection regardless of the cost. Silly little me would attempt to emulate my cool friend's in my clothes, food and even music.

In the past couple years, I realizes that friendship is a two way street. Two of you have to meet in the middle of the road. Otherwise, no dice.  So I let go of my pretenses and just be me. I guess my tactic worked. 

I have lost some friends and gained a few buddies. And that is all fine by me. In life, you lose some, and you keep some. Thank you for being in my 'keeps' pile. To those of you that are not in this pile, best of luck to you. 

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