Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life's little lessons

Just the other day, I was thinking about people that have a well-adjusted attitude on life. That is, these are the people that understand that there is more to life than just work. Interesting thing is, most of the people that are in the "know" were injured due to work before.

No matter how hard you try, it is difficult to teach this appreciation for life to other people. I should know, as I have close friends that are singularly focused on work, and can't seem to get on the other side. So what do I do? I wait for their "SOS" sign before I jump on the scene. No sign? I will be there to physically and mentally support them.

Although I had friends that were injured, I was no more prepared for being injured myself. Why? Because I was still trying to make things work - although I was not physically capable of doing so. It was not until much later that I realized that this is my hardest lesson to learn - how to ask for help, and say "no".

Fortunately, this lesson paid off - for my doctor just told me that I am finally on the road to recovery, and I should be good to go in September. Its been a long and arduous journey - but isn't that what life is all about?

Thank you to my friends and family for all your help along the way. When I receive my final clean bill of health, let's celebrate life, love, food and happiness.


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