Monday, May 12, 2008

We only just begun

that's certainly how i felt about my chicago weekend getaway.

The weekend started off great, as i got in 20 minutes early (yea!). The weather was chilly, however. I was all bundled up by the time Em came by to whisk me off. I had to do my ghetto get-up (flip flops and sock combo). We went to a neighborhood bar to grab a bite to eat, followed-up by coffee at Buckhorn beanery (White chocolate raspberry soy mocha). Dare I say, yum-o?

Then, we went to Em's fab pad, where I met Trini, who sniffed my privates and barked at me. When I walked into Em's condo, I felt like I was in a Pottery Barn spread... the muted wall color, the understated yet comfy furniture... Me likey!

We had dinner at a tapas place in honor of Roy's friend, John's birthday. Food was great, and the company was awesome as well. Too bad we couldn't hear much of the ongoing conversation, as the restaurant was quite loud. But it worked out, as Em, Roy and I were able to have some of our own private conversations. What was memorable was the cake, tiramisu. Don't ask me why is there an Italian cake in a tapas restaurant. It was quite good though.

Afterwards, we headed home, where Em and I crashed watching the Oprah show. We critiqued Oprah and her friend Gail's looks, and commentated on the best sandwich challenge. Okay, its more like, dude, this guy is hot, who he is again? Then, we both crashed at midnight. For me, it was a combo of not sleeping well on Thursday night (2 excited, can u blame me?) and ms. early riser, who gets up at wee hours of the morning even on weekends. I can tell Em was falling apart as she wore her pjs incorrectly. Um, the draw-strings go in the front, Em.

On Saturday, we had brunch at a local bar with a breakfast menu (i know! crazy, right?) This is where Em met her match, mr. potato. As for me, I was craving caffeine (must be the time difference). I had to ask for an extra shot (see, david, you are not the only one!) Then, we dressed up like the bobsy twins in our matchy black and white to go to high tea. Except the fact that we were stuffed to the gills... so we skidaddled on the tea and went shopping on Michigan avenue instead.

We visited the famous Filene's basement, where I scored a pair of hot diamond patterned black tights. And Em scored two dresses. I know, how unfair is that! We came home and pigged out on Roy's famous guac while watching ANTM, and rushed out to a Brazilian BBQ. This is where I met Roy's brothers and cousin. They were so cute! Snuggles and Chris were so different, yet so similar! Deb was just a darling! I thoroughly enjoyed the fruit salad, grilled pineapple, shrimp, and cheese puff bread. They were delish!

For dessert, we got an assortment. It was cute how Roy was trying to hold himself back by not taking some of my lava cake when I offered it. But couldn't resist himself 20 minutes later. Judy, are you done with your dessert? After serious wine-ning and dining, we headed back for some filipino maj-jong. We even squeezed in a dress-fitting session as well. Believe it or not, those dresses that Em bought without trying them on look great. Once they were worn the right way, that is.

For my last Chicago meal, we had dim-sum with pearl tea. The weather was a bit grey, like how I was feeling. Em and snuggles drove me to the airport. They even squeezed in a little sightseeing as well. Judy, this is where the white sox play. What are you saying, Em. said snuggles.

Then, was the sad parting. Sniff sniff.

Thank you, Em, for letting me stay in your fab crib, showing me the Alojado family and for being so very you... thoughtful and darling. I have to say, I am mighty jealous of how close-knit and happy you all are...

Looking forward to seeing you in June or July.


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