Tuesday, May 21, 2013

SF strong.

For a while now, I was haunted by my past so much that I unconsciously avoided the financial district. When it was unavoidable, I dreamt up scenarios of running into once friendly but now unfamiliar faces.

Even just a year ago, I was having nightmares of being in limbo, never able to move on. Although I never talked about it, these thoughts whirled about me, keeping me one foot in the past, and the other leaping into the dark.

This changed last February when I got into grad school of my choice. With my feet firmly planted in the present and future, I was finally able to move on, and not just dream of the what if, but to make it into reality.

In two weeks, I get to test out my future profession. Something unimaginable when I think back to my bleak years.

Today, I strutted in the financial district with wind in my hair (what little of it that is) and hope in my eyes.

I heard that in order for one to grow, one has to forsake the familiar and seek the unknown. I guess Michigan did the trick.

Many many thanks to my dear friends who made my midwest journey happen.

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