Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finding your way

When I was little, I couldn't wait to grow up. When I grow up, I thought to myself, I am going to be able to do whatever I want to do. At that time, that consisted of talking on the phone, going out, and (gasp!) maybe having a boyfriend.

As for my future career aspirations, they ranged from dabbing in the creative (singing, drawing, writing) as well as analytical fields (law!). So how did I end up with a business degree, you might ask. The answer is simple. Before I started at Cal, we had to declare a major. I picked business because of my natural aptitude with numbers.Six years into my professional career, it seems as if my BS has served me well. But, is it what I want to do for the rest of my life? I don't know.

Lately, I have been thinking about going into law. You guys don't know this, but I used to be one of those annoying students that question my teacher on his lessons. "Mr. Orloff. What you are saying contradicts what is on page 212, paragraph 4, sentence 3." Fortunately, my teacher did not take offense to that, and suggested that I might pursue law as a career.

Fast-forward 12 years to today, where I realize more and more each day that it is essential to know what your rights are so you can assert them accordingly. It is especially critical when you are delving into unfamiliar territories

Looking back, I thought I would have had my life figured out by the time at 29. Then again, I was never one of those kids that charted out their lives. But, isn't that what makes our lives worth living? Ever single step you take, is a chance in finding out more about yourself, not to mention clues on what is "your way", whatever it might be.

So, does that mean law school in my future? Possibly. Then again, anything is possible. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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