Sunday, February 17, 2008

Is it any wonder

that I have been pissy?

I have been chained to my desk for a while. Lunch, brought in. Coffee, dropped off at my desk. Walk, no time. My life at work revolved around work, really.

Then, I talked to my friend. Who asked, "Why are you doing that?". "I have so much to do, and so little time", I responded. "
Its not good for you to not take a break and relax, especially since you are enjoyed. Have you thought of that?"

Actually, no, I haven't. I am also quite pissy at work as well... since I feel like all I do is just work.

So, new plan next week. Lunch, walk, and so much more. Wanna join me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend! I wish I could be your walking partner! I think that's such a great idea. It's a wonderfully healthy way to break up your day, refresh your mind, and plow through the rest of your day. I think I'll find a walking partner here in the windy city too!