Monday, August 20, 2007

Hanging with the Lapenas

This is a recap of my weekend getaway with the Lapenas... Can you believe that its almost been a year? and the changes that have occurred are just something.

Below is a list of memorable moments/ quotes.

  • "I have to Poo!" - Guess who said this.
  • Spontaneous combustion from the LP family.
  • "I luv lavender!" - Em's declaration prior to her stupor.

  • Mr. LP's VIP seat during the Hawaiian dance.

  • Photo shoot at the luau (there was one with tita trapped betn Em and Lei's boobs).
  • Em's awesome reverse maneuver at the outlet.

  • "Don't you guys think this movie is so stylish?" - Jaime.

  • "Shhhh. They are watching a movie. GUYS! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Mrs. LP.

  • The makeshift pole-dancing at V Bar.

  • The smorgasbord of food... and desserts... everywhere.

  • " Taylor is sweaty!" Mr. LP.

  • Nails experience.

  • Productive shopping.

  • Jaime's falsetto.

  • Em's little surprise in the bathroom.

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